What the hell is going on here?

We’re creating an animated cartoon series paired with a web3 card game.

Ok. Why? Pretty simple. Both cartoons and web3 kick ass! We figure putting two amazing things together creates amazing².

So what’s the goal? We love Cartoons. We love web3. Because of this, we’ve noticed a gap in both, and we would like to fix that:

  1. Unless viewers binge-watch a cartoon series, they have to wait an entire week, sometimes more (especially in the web3 space), to consume the next episode. This can lead to fewer eyes on each episode. And let’s be honest; the world is flooded with great content. So, it’s easy to get lost and forget to come back to something.

  2. NFTs are cool. PFPs are popular. (Don’t worry if you’re lost with the terminology, we’ll explain further down.) But how much control do you have over your PFP? Some, if talking about where you display it. But how much control do you have over how your PFP actually looks? Not much.

What are we doing to fix the gaps?

  1. We’re using web3 to create an interactive card game that is played with the release of each episode. So, we keep you involved in our cartoon between episodes, making the wait for the next episode seem shorter. The time between episodes will now be very useful for the players and keep our audience engaged.

  2. Our PFPs are dynamic.You're in control of your PFP's appearance based on how you play the game. Do well, and boom, you look f@ckin good. Don’t do well, and meh, you still look cool, but you’ll get fewer swipes on Tinder for sure.

Last updated